Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The KIIT graduation ceremony post

This post will be updated with the latest information related to my graduation ceremony as soon as it becomes available. After updates are made it will be reposted, here is some background info on the ceremony:

They plan to have it Inshallah (by the will of God) on February 3, 2008. I first mentioned my undergrad college in the Patrick Stewart Post. I had a great time during my time at KIIT, I loved it and it loved me back. So here’s the lowdown and a nifty countdown timer just for you:

January 08: Got an email from the admin office saying that we are going to have a graduation ceremony

January 09: My friends from college are all a buzz, we’re going to have a blast!

January 10: Got official invitation in the mail, need to confirm my family’s seats.

January 12: Made photocopies of my guest’s NIC (National Identification Card) cards. They’re needed for registering the seats. Only 2 guests allowed per graduate, bummer.

January 15: Need to start looking for the driver of my digital camera and fill in the registration form.

January 18: I found the driver for my digital camera on the Internet. I lost the CD that came with it which is necessary to transfer pictures to my PC. So thank god for the internet now I just have to install it.

January 21: I submitted the registration form in person. You could have faxed, mailed or even emailed it in. But I wanted to meet with my former teachers. It’s my birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

January 25: The Guest of Honor has been confirmed for the ceremony. This honored guest happens to be my professor at my graduate college. He’s a very senior member of Pakistan’s academic community and was consulted when they were forming KIIT. I flunked his class the first time (everyone falls the first time) and had to repeat it. I passed the course the second time around, yay me!

January 28: I went to pick up my cap and gown. Finding the tailor was an adventure in itself. Over here directions are given in a roundabout manner. They tell you the general area but not the exact street and how to reach that street. So once you are in the neighborhood you are on your own. I had to ask around and get lost a couple of times before finding the place. Of course when I got there they were closed. I called the tailor to ask when he’ll be coming “Around 11 but for you 10:30”. You see stores over here don’t open up until 11 am, that’s because they have to remain open all night, like up to 1 in the morning. Apparently that’s when people get a chance to shop.

I had half an hour to kill and was feeling hungry so I went looking for a restaurant (they call them hotels) that served chohla purri. Purri is fried dough that is served with a spicy chickpeas sauce, delicious. Here is a sample:

So the guy comes around 10:50 (at least he tried) and I got my cap and gown and a hood from him. Once I get my digital camera up and running I’ll have a picture of me wearing the thing, looking all scholarly like.

January 30: They had originally booked Karachi Sheraton for the event but for some reason they couldn’t keep the booking. Know its going to be at the University’s campus, luckily it’s the same day so I don’t have to change the counter!

February 2: It’s the 11th hour or (15th hour according to the timer) still couldn’t get my digital camera to work. Have to use my sister’s yay for little sisters.

February 3: I had so much fun at the ceremony. It was kind of like a mini-reunion, because we had our ceremony 3 years after graduating. A lot of my friends are married, which means I better hurry up to. Everyone has great jobs, mashallah. This is a sign that the IT sector is alive and well in Pakistan. The food was great. There were so many people to talk to that I couldn’t get to them all so I will be emailing them. I had heart felt conservations with some of my best friends I’ll never forget them no matter where I am.

February 4: Here are some pictures from the event I’ll have more for you soon:

February 13: These are off of my digital camera; don’t mind the date its wrong; need to fix that darn thing! Don’t know when the professional photographs will be in. In any case I won’t be reposting this post just updating.

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