Wednesday, July 2, 2008

You know you're blogging too much when...

  • You meet friends in real life and look for the "add comment" link
  • You wonder if you spellchecked your thoughts before speaking
  • You scroll to another friend in search of a new topic
  • During a pause in a conversation you wonder when the next update will be posted

I hate to admit it but I was plagued by some of these symptoms. They weren't serious but troublesome. That's why I decided to cut back on my blogging. I guess they're right about too much of a good thing.

And beside meeting people in real life can be fun. As long as they're friendly and "get" you. Otherwise you run the risk of meeting mean people, which as we know, suck. Another note on mean people, the worst type are the ones who think everyone likes them and go on being a nuisance. Eventually somebody has to sit them down and tell them to knock it off. Which comes as a shock to said mean person who retaliates by being even more mean and an even bigger nuisance. To the point that you wish you could claw their eyes out...

Sorry I can't reveal the real life events that prompted these thoughts.


Nathan said...

I came home yesterday and the first thing I said to GF was:

"The bad news is I'm an idiot. The good news is I'll get a pretty good blog-post out of it."

Yeah. Maybe too much blogging.

vince said...

Hah, not too much blogging. But it is important to spend time with friends that aren't online.

And mean people are everywhere, unfortunately. And too often they don't get what they are. I've gotten where I'm not overly polite when dealing with this type of person, and then make sure they are in no way a part of my life. That leaves me with more time to have fun with the decent people who inhabit my life.

MWT said...

My sister is like that. Most people are always kind of wishy-washy and apologetic and "I don't mean to impose" so that others can say "oh no! it's all right!" My sister just goes straight to the imposing part. :p

Unknown said...

I am like that but when the other person doesn't excuse you then you should jump right in and bluntly ask for what you need.

MWT said...

My sister doesn't ask. :|