Thursday, July 17, 2008

Let's get all professional and stuff

You may notice a shiny new button in the sidebar. That's a link to my LinkedIn profile. I signed up a while back but didn't do much over there, so my account was fairly dormant. I guess I was spending most of my internet time blogging and reading other people's blogs. Recently I started gearing up and becoming more active.

Anyways if any of you want to know me professionally and not as a sci-fi writing, irregulary posting, dweeb you can head on over there. If you already on linked in I'll be happy to add you as a connection. I know of at least one UCFer that I added.

In case you already don't know, my geeky nature led me to a career in Software Engineering. My primary role on a development team has been as a QA engineer. We have the distinct pleasure of acting as a bulwark between angry clients and nonchalant programmers. It's fun. Plus my thesis ties in with my professional experience.

So if your in the IT industry and want to talk shop with me consider joining my network. I will be pleased as peaches.


Tania said...

Ooh. I provoked a blog post! Wow, I wonder what other havok I could wreak? Thanks for accepting my request.

I got asked to recruit about (27*5 = 135+9+spares) about 150 volunteers before August 1st, so I've been going through and updating every social networking profile I have. Including LinkedIn.

I really want to get back into IT, but for now I may just maintain my status as an STEM groupie/cheerleader. Go Science/Tech/Engineering/Math. Wo0t!!1!

Nathan said...

And as long as I've got the two of you together in one place...Tania will be adding to Charlotte any time now (really, no rush), and Saqib, you're on deck for the installment after that.

::no pressure, nudge, nudge::

Anonymous said...

I've been neglecting my LinkedIn lately and Tania reminded me to update it. Sadiq, I sent you a connect request. :)

Anonymous said...

Jeri, I accepted your request thanks.

Nathan, Yeah I was wondering about that. I already got a great concept lined up. It's a secret...shhh.

Tania, wreak all the havok you want. Math rocks!